My New Content Will Be Uploaded to Https://

Whatever your reason for needing to unblock websites, in that location are several ways to become the job done. We'll examine the almost mutual methods beyond a variety of factors — ease of utilise, speed, security, and more than — before discussing a few additional tricks.

If you're interested in learning the reasons that websites restrict content, or the legality of getting around content blocks, skip down below to our sections on why websites get blocked and whether it's legal to unblock them.

A comparison of the best ways to unblock websites and their features.Comparing ways to unblock websites and access content. Green dots indicate potent performance, while red dots mean more obstacles.

ane. Unblock websites using a VPN

Using a VPN is the easiest and most reliable style to get effectually content blocks and unlock the URLs you want. A VPN (virtual private network) routes your internet traffic through a remote server, letting yous choose your virtual location.

When you connect to a website with a VPN, the website thinks that the virtual location shown by your VPN is your bodily location, which means your real location is masked and yous tin can unblock content. And that's but one of the benefits of a VPN — VPNs also encrypt your connection, securing your data and protecting whatever personal information similar credit bill of fare details you enter when shopping online.

Setting upward and using a VPN is pretty straightforward, if y'all use a reputable and well-designed app. Here's how to unblock websites with a VPN on both desktop and mobile:

First, Download and install your VPN — become a free trial of AVG Secure VPN right here:

Then, turn on the VPN and select a server location to browse from. If the content you want to admission is location-specific, select a location where that content is available. If you just want to secure your traffic and hide your IP address, select Optimal location (or a similar setting) for the fastest speeds.

AVG SecureLine VPN offers servers in 50 locations to chose from.A VPN lets you access blocked sites on mobile too.

Now you're browsing anonymously and securely from a hidden location.

AVG SecureLine VPN hides your location and bypasses content blocks.VPNs allow you unblock websites, protect your online privacy, and stay safe on public Wi-Fi.

A VPN is the easiest, most comprehensive tool to featherbed content blocks. But if yous're using a public figurer at school or at a library, a VPN may non be the best choice, because y'all need to download ane.

And some content providers have started blocking known VPN IP addresses, so your VPN might not piece of work all the fourth dimension with all the sites or services y'all desire to use. Thankfully, when VPN providers realize that ane of their IPs has been blocked, they ordinarily open up new addresses to provide more than options.


  • Highly secure

  • Encrypts your data and connection

  • Can unblock most websites

  • Some VPNs are optimized for streaming and bypassing geo-blocking

  • Good VPNs offer customer support


  • Not gratuitous (we don't recommend using costless VPNs)

  • Requires downloading

2. Unblock websites using Tor

Tor is some other selection for getting around content blocks and bypassing geo-restrictions. Tor, or The Onion Router, routes your online traffic through many layers of encryption, hence its name. Tor lets you access the web anonymously and get around nigh content restrictions.

While Tor offers strong online privacy, its downside is slow speeds. That's considering the Tor network and browser are an open-source project maintained mostly by volunteers. You besides may not be allowed to install the Tor browser on a school, work, or public computer.

Here'due south how to unblock websites using Tor:

Go to the Tor website and follow the directions to install the Tor browser. Then, launch Tor and configure it (if necessary).

You can download the Tor browser for private online browsing.

Later that, you lot can connect and enter the onion to become bearding access to whatsoever sites you demand.

The Tor browser runs slowly but privately.Tor is a good website unblocker, but you lot might non be able to download it at school or work.


  • Secure and encrypted

  • Gratuitous

  • Run past a non-profit, so no data mining

  • Lets you admission the nighttime web

  • Works well to unblock many sites


  • Can't bypass some specific blocks against Tor nodes, including Netflix

  • Irksome speeds

  • Requires downloading

  • No client service to help yous configure Tor properly

three. Unblock websites using a web proxy

A spider web proxy works well for speedily unblocking content on public computers, or if you're on a work or school computer that won't let you download a VPN or Tor. You'll connect to a proxy server first, and and so on to your desired website — hiding your actual location in the process.

Learning how to unblock websites on a school computer is easy when y'all apply a web proxy. To utilise a proxy server, simply go to a item website (chosen a proxy website), enter the URL of the actual website yous want to visit, and press a push button to access it.

The downside is that before visiting the site you want, you demand to navigate to the web proxy first — every fourth dimension, in every tab. So it can be a little annoying and generally isn't great for streaming content online. Also, though spider web proxies are usually free, they don't provide the aforementioned privacy and security protections every bit a VPN or Tor.

The HMA web proxy is a nice URL unblocker. But navigate to the HMA web proxy site, enter the site you want to admission, choose your server, and go.

Use the HMA web proxy to unblock websites at school or work.A spider web proxy is a quick and piece of cake unblocker for school or work.


  • No installation required

  • Works on public computers

  • Ofttimes gratis

  • Can featherbed bones content blocks


  • May break some website functionality

  • Doesn't safeguard your individual personal information

  • Non optimized for speed

  • Not guaranteed to unblock all sites

  • You lot have to open the web proxy every time you visit a new site

4. Unblock websites using a proxy extension

A proxy extension is similar a web proxy, only more convenient, and it'll get you lot around content blocks on a school computer very speedily. A proxy extension sits correct in your browser, so you won't waste time constantly navigating to the proxy — it'southward gear up anytime yous desire to access blocked content.

There are many skilful proxy extensions out there. Here's how to apply the HMA proxy for Chrome:

First, download the HMA browser extension for gratis from the Chrome shop and install it.

Select the donkey hat icon in the top-right corner and the proxy will open up. Then click Turn On to activate the proxy. The Disguised as push lets you choose among several virtual locations.

Using a proxy extension to unblock websites.

Now you appear to exist coming from your selected location, not your actual location, letting y'all unblock most blocked websites online.


  • Proxy extensions listed in the Chrome Web Store are vetted by Google for security

  • Usually encrypts your browser connection

  • Can choose your server location

  • Usually free


  • Requires downloading

  • May show ads

  • May non be optimized for streaming content

If you can't download a VPN or Tor (perhaps because your schoolhouse or business forbids it), don't want to use a proxy, but still need to unblock something speedily, there are some quick methods to admission blocked websites that might work.

The post-obit methods for unblocking sites aren't every bit reliable every bit the options outlined to a higher place, but they can be effective site unblockers that can aid you in a pinch.

5. Use a URL shortener

If your school or work network is using a very bones blocking method, using a URL shortener might help. Services like TinyURL shorten a website's URL, which will help you unblock websites without a proxy, VPN, or Tor. For example, if your school blocks Facebook, you can create a different (shortened) URL to access it. Hither's how that works:

Go to a URL shortening site similar, TinyURL, or Bitly.

Enter the website you desire to unblock into the URL field and click the push button to shorten it.

URL shorteners can help you get around very basic content blocks.URL shortening sites, like, tin assist you bypass very basic content blocks.

And so copy your new, shorter URL and paste information technology into your browser. If yous're lucky, you'll successfully bypass the brake and get to the site you want.

Try a shortened version of your desired URL to get around very basic restrictions.Using a URL shortener may aid unblock sites.


  • No downloading required

  • Gratis

  • Quick and easy


  • May or may not work

  • No security

6. Try switching protocols

If your school or work network uses a very basic blocking method that filters out a elementary list of URLs, you might be able to get around it by switching from HTTPS to HTTP (or vice versa). For example, if is blocked, might still piece of work.

But it's important to note that HTTP is an unsecured protocol and should be avoided whenever possible. And never enter any personal data or passwords into a site using merely HTTP, because of potential security vulnerabilities that can be exploited.


  • No downloading required

  • Gratis

  • Quick and easy


  • May or may not work

  • No security; HTTP protocol is unsecure

seven. Utilise the Google cache

Caching is when a service like Google or your browser keeps a local re-create of a usually visited site and so that it loads faster when you visit it over again. That means you might be able to access the cached version of a website if the live version of that same site is blocked.

To get to a buried version of a site, merely type in enshroud: before the site address in the Google search bar. Click the down arrow and then click on Cached. If you're lucky, you'll exist able to bypass the content block past visiting the cached version of the site.

Viewing the cached version of a site via the Google search results.Viewing the buried version of a site may aid you lot get around content blocks.


  • No downloading required

  • Free

  • Quick and easy


  • May or may not work

  • May display outdated content

  • No security

eight. Use Google translate

Another Google-based workaround is to use Google translate to unblock websites. This quick-and-muddy method might non show the page you want to view perfectly, but it may exist enough to let you read the content yous're looking for.

Hither's how to employ Google translate to unblock websites:

Go to Google Translate, choose a random language for the from field and English for the to field, and paste your desired website or URL into the box.

Using Google translate can help unblock websites.

Click the link, and ta-da — you can view information technology as an unblocked website. Only exist aware that some elements on the page may intermission.

Unblocking a website using Google translate.Using Google Translate may give you admission to unblocked sites.


  • No downloading required

  • Gratuitous

  • Quick and like shooting fish in a barrel


  • May or may not work

  • May interruption some website functionality

  • No security

9. Use a dynamic IP address

Some websites block connections from sure groups of IP addresses due to spam or cybercrime concerns. If you happen to get defenseless in the cyberspace, you won't exist able to visit that website.

A dynamic IP accost — ane that changes with each apply — will permit you leapfrog around this restriction and avoid becoming collateral damage. It's the same flim-flam telephone spoofers utilise to proceed calling you lot from different phone numbers.

Virtually ISPs use dynamic IP addresses, so simply restarting your router may get yous a new 1. Otherwise, connecting to a VPN or proxy server is the easiest style to get a dynamic IP address.

If you're on Windows, y'all can besides utilize the Command Prompt to modify your IP. Open Command Prompt past simultaneously pressing the Win + R keys, then type cmd, and click OK. In the window that opens, type ipconfig /release (including spaces) and printing Enter. Then type ipconfig /renew (including spaces) and press Enter, and close the Command Prompt.


  • Increases your online privacy

  • If washed manually, it's free


  • May crave a subscription

  • Can involve some technical know-how

10. Use an IP address instead of a URL

Some rudimentary types of website blocking only target URLs — which means that if you enter the site's IP accost directly into your browser, you lot may be able to access it. You'll but need to find the IP address first. Here's how:

On Windows, open the Command Prompt and enter the command ping [website URL] or nslookup [website URL], replacing the placeholder text in brackets with the actual URL you're trying to visit.

Using Command Prompt to find a website's URL to unblock content.

On Mac, open up the Terminal and enter either of the same commands: ping [website URL] or nslookup [website URL].

Pinging on macOS to get the IP address


  • Like shooting fish in a barrel and fast

  • Free


  • Non guaranteed to work

eleven. Use an HTML to PDF converter

If you just desire to read the contents of a particular webpage, and you don't demand to access the actual site, then another option is to use a PDF converter to catechumen the HTML lawmaking of the folio into a readable, PDF format.

HTML to PDF converter tools, similar this one, volition alter the contents of any URL into a PDF document, including the text and pictures on the site. And then, yous can either preview the PDF online or download it to read it later or impress it.


  • Free and like shooting fish in a barrel

  • No installation needed


  • May or may not work with every site

  • No interaction

  • You lot tin't visit the actual site

Why practice websites get blocked?

Websites get blocked when they detect an IP address from a region that isn't supposed to admission the websites' content. Your IP (Cyberspace Protocol) address identifies your device on the cyberspace, while also revealing your physical location. That's what lets websites discover your IP and block (or permit) your device.

Content providers, schools and companies, and government authorities block websites for a diversity of reasons, from commercial considerations to limiting the free flow of information. If you employ a VPN information technology's easy to hide your IP address so that information technology appears you're coming from a different concrete location, which lets y'all access blocked websites.

Geo-restricted content

Streaming services, such as Netflix, Disney+, and Spotify, have licensing agreements for the content they provide. Those agreements specify the films and tv shows they can evangelize in each region they serve.

If you use Netflix in the Us, you lot'll see a unlike collection of content than you lot would see in another country. That's why many people traveling abroad employ VPNs to unblock websites that are otherwise bachelor in their home country.

Schoolhouse and work restrictions

Your school or workplace might not desire you lot to admission certain content. If they're blocking "developed" content or unsafe websites, they may have a indicate. Just if they're preventing you from streaming music or getting your daily dose of true cat videos, that'due south another story. Generally, your schoolhouse or piece of work is worried about productivity and bandwidth, and streaming and videos may consume valuable resources.

We showed you how to bypass blocked websites at school above, so hop up there for more details.


Some countries censor online content inside their borders, because of cultural, religious, or political concerns — in other words, to limit the menses of data or muffle dissent. China, with their Cracking Firewall, is probably the well-nigh notorious example, blocking lots of sites similar Facebook and Twitter. When countries are this focused on censoring the open web, their citizens often look for ways to unblock censored websites.

Is it legal to unblock websites?

The legality of unblocking websites varies depending on location. Many countries (even Cathay, to some degree) allow VPNs. For more details about specific countries , research what local laws say virtually VPNs. If yous're torrenting copyrighted media, that's e'er illegal, whether yous're using a VPN or not.

Bypassing content restrictions to admission specific shows on platforms similar HBO GO or Netflix isn't illegal — merely it may be against their terms of use.

Frequently asked questions

Still unsure most the best way to access restricted websites in a given context, or uncertain if a VPN or proxy is best? Permit's go over some all-time practices.

Will any of these methods allow me to access blocked websites at school?

Yes, some of the in a higher place methods to unblock websites will work at school. But, you lot may non be able to download a VPN or Tor. That means a proxy or one of the quick methods outlined to a higher place volition be your best bet to unblock sites if you're at school.

How almost at piece of work?

If y'all have a fixed workstation or are able to download whatsoever software yous desire on a laptop, a VPN is your best option to unblock websites at work.

If that's non the case — if you accept a hot-desking setup or your employer restricts what you can download on your laptop — then neither a VPN nor Tor will work. In that case, a web proxy or browser proxy is your best option.

Can I unblock websites on my phone, likewise?

Yes, you lot tin can definitely unblock websites on your phone. Near of the methods we've described work on mobile as well. The only problem is speed. Piffling around with a web proxy or Tor might non work well due to their decreased speeds. Setting up a VPN on mobile is the best way to unblock sites on your phone. VPNs are easy to set up, easy to use, and protect yous on unsecured Wi-Fi networks such as those in coffee shops.

Whether you use Android or iOS, AVG has you lot covered with a top-of-the-line mobile VPN app. Give it a effort today.

How can I unblock a website on Chrome?

Luckily, it's not difficult to learn how to unblock a website on Chrome. Most of the methods to a higher place will help you become around content blocks on Chrome immediately. Tor is a split up browser, but it likewise has an extension you can add to Chrome. Both VPNs and web proxies work well on Chrome, as does the HMA proxy extension designed specifically for Chrome.

The easiest way to access blocked sites on any device

A VPN is the nearly reliable way to unblock content and stay anonymous online. VPNs offering online privacy to continue your browsing activeness hidden from hackers, internet service providers, and fifty-fifty governments.

AVG Secure VPN offers over 50 virtual locations to choose from, with defended streaming services to help y'all view your favorite content on the go. AVG Secure VPN also protects your internet traffic with military machine-form 256-bit AES encryption, the same standard used by banks. So you'll exist fully hidden and free to bypass content blocks on your way to whatever sites you need to access.


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