Equipment Layout

Roy A. Parisher , Robert A. Rhea , in Piping Drafting and Design (Fourth Edition), 2022

Unit Plot Plan

Unit Plot Plans are mostly divers by imaginary lines called Battery Limits. Battery Limits are used to found a Unit's perimeter boundaries. The Unit Plot Plan is usually drawn to pocket-sized scale, such as: ane″ = 10′, 1″ = 20′, or ane″ = 30′.

Unit Plot Plans show the location of all the buildings, mechanical equipment, pipe racks, tank farms, and other items of importance in the Unit. True North and Plant North are also shown as bodily and theoretical points of orientation. The purpose of this drawing is not to show detail, only rather, the arrangement of diverse components to be erected in the Unit.

The piping group is typically responsible for the development of the Unit Plot Programme. Unit Plot Plans are developed using the Mechanical menstruum diagram, customer specifications, codes, and input from the client'south engineers and the plant manager will ultimately oversee the operation of the facility. Figure nine.8 shows an instance of a Unit Plot Plan.

Figure 9.8. Unit Plot Plan.

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Richard Beale , Paul Bowers , in The Planning Guide to Pipage Design (Second Edition), 2018

4.2.four.1 Equipment location plans

Plot plans of larger facilities are often at likewise small a scale for all of the smaller pieces of equipment to exist located by coordinates and equipment tag numbers due to the physical constraints of placing the text on the drawing. Therefore equipment location plans are created at a larger scale, east.k., ane:400. Several equipment location plans are required to encompass the same surface area equally the plot plan, each with a list of the equipment located within the cartoon. The listing includes the post-obit:

Equipment tag number

Equipment clarification



Equipment location plans simplify the location of the private pieces of equipment. On larger projects where the plot plan is too small a calibration, these are the drawings that will be used past the civil group for foundation location plan development.

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Richard J. Beale C.Tech , ... Peter Smith , in The Planning Guide to Pipage Pattern, 2010

3.ii.4.i Equipment Location Plans

Plot plans of larger facilities are often at too minor a scale for all of the smaller pieces of equipment to exist located by co-ordinates and equipment tag numbers due to the physical constraints of placing the text on the cartoon. Therefore, equipment location plans are created at a larger scale, e.g., 1:400. Several equipment location plans are required to cover the same expanse as the plot plan, each with a list of the equipment located inside the cartoon. The list includes:

Equipment tag number.

Equipment clarification.



Equipment location plans simplify the locating of the private pieces of equipment.

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Basic Engineering Design for Natural Gas Processing Projects

Alireza Bahadori Ph.D. , in Natural Gas Processing, 2014

14.6 Drawings

xiv.half-dozen.1 Preliminary unit of measurement plot plan

The plot programme in the basic design should be based on the preliminary equipment dimensions and should include preliminary layout of command room(s), buildings, equipment, and other required facilities in the unit.

For licensed units, the plot plan should be prepared based on the licensor's information and requirements for normal and emergency operation, safety, and maintenance.

The unit plot plan should exist prepared with due consideration to the overall plot program layout of the entire institute and interrelations of the unit with other units.

14.half dozen.2 Process flow diagram

The PFD should be provided in accordance with the requirements for each unit of measurement separately.

14.half dozen.3 Piping and instrumentation diagrams

Pipage and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) should be prepared in accord with the requirements. P&IDs should exist provided for each unit separately and should include all facilities, pipe, and equipment and interconnections betwixt the unit and adjacent facilities. Interconnection P&IDs should also be prepared to clarify piping connection points and their tie-in between the new plant and other next units.

14.half-dozen.iv Utility distribution flow diagrams

Utility distribution menstruum diagrams (UDFDs) should exist provided for each unit of measurement separately and should include all equipment particular numbers with all required pipelines and interrelations between headers/subheaders and all utility users.

The diagrams should be prepared in accordance with the requirements specified in standards:

Emergency shut-downward block diagram and/or logic diagram

Cause-and-result tables/diagrams

Unmarried line diagrams

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Fundamentals of plant layout pattern—Plot plans

Geoff Barker IEng.,MEI. , in The Engineer'south Guide to Plant Layout and Piping Pattern for the Oil and Gas Industries, 2018

Plot Program

The plot plan is basically an organisation cartoon that shows the equipment and supporting facilities (pipe racks, structures, buildings, roads) that are required for the process facility within a battery limit area, which will be designed for independent functioning and shutdown.

All equipment and components will be shown on the plot programme and identified by letters and numbers as per the company classification standards.

The plot programme is fatigued to scale, and a benchmark will exist located on the plan, which is the datum point of the plot, which shows elevation and plant coordinates. All equipment volition exist located and elevated in relation to this benchmark.

The plot plan is used as the basis to produce equipment system studies, and produce pipe line shoots that will be used to estimate piping materials and quantities.

The Plot plan is also used to develop:

Grading and drainage plans, holding ponds, diked areas, foundation, and structural design produced by the Civil–Structural Engineering Department to enable bulk material estimates to exist produced.

Area classification drawings that locate switchgear, substations, motor control centers, that enable cable routing to exist determined and thus interpretation of bulk materials for the electrical department.

Location of analyzer houses, cablevision trays, master control house/building, to enable the instrumentation section estimate bulk materials.

The plot plan is also used past the process department to facilitate hydraulic design, line sizing, and utility block flow diagrams.

Orderly scheduling of engineering activities is obtained by the scheduling section from the plot plan.

The plot plan is used past construction to schedule the erection sequence of all plant equipment. This includes rigging studies for big lifts, constructability reviews, location of lay down areas, and whatever marshaling activities required.

The plot program is too to gauge the overall cost of the plant, and is also used past the client for condom, operator, and maintenance reviews, and to develop an "As Built" record of the constitute arrangement.

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Layout Analogues and Visual Aids

Seán Moran , in Process Plant Layout (Second Edition), 2017

vii.four.ii Plot GA Drawings

These drawings (also known as "Plot Plans and Layout Elevations" or "Equipment Location Plans" in the oil and gas industry) evidence to a larger scale, and in more item, the program and layout arrangements of items inside a plot.

These may alternatively be divided into dissever plan (Fig. vii.v) and elevation (Fig. seven.half-dozen) drawings although, in the oil and gas industry, equipment elevations are more commonly noted in a tabulated/chart format on a program view GA.

Figure 7.5. Typical plot plan.

Image courtesy Bentley.

Figure 7.half dozen. (A)–(C) Typical 3D layout elevation drawings.

Prototype courtesy Bentley.

Information technology is important to set initial plot GAs as speedily as possible to enable other disciplines (nearly notably civils) to continue with their piece of work. Although they are fatigued to scale, such initial drawings volition ordinarily be stamped "Non To Scale," and so that whatever critical dimensions are only provided on request. This is because advice of dimensions used as a blueprint basis must exist deliberate, for risk management purposes.

Each plot is contained within a strictly divers purlieus called the "battery limit" (about always divers by site roads) which serves to limit information on the cartoon to those items inside the plot. The battery limit is also frequently the line at which responsibleness for design is handed over to another designer (and another designer's drawing).

All major equipment items, major structures and buildings should be indicated, though in outline just. The battery limits of the expanse should exist indicated clearly together with roads, accessways, extent of paving, pipe entry and exit points, maintenance areas, stairways and ladders.

As the pipage and arrangement studies are adult, and then the locations of equipment are "firmed upward." This can be done in tabular class using the coordinate dimensioning arrangement or using conventional dimensions. Either method requires that all equipment be located by an agreed fixed datum signal. This point might be positioned on a constitute centerline, tangent line, pump discharge nozzle face up or centerline, exchanger nozzle, and channel centerline.

Levels must be given for every detail, and finished floor levels must be specified. If equipment is installed within buildings, internal dimensions and door dimensions must be shown, as wall thicknesses may not be bachelor.

The GA is a key scale drawing corresponding in importance to the P&IDs and PFDs. It requires conscientious review and checking at the end of the FEED stage earlier client approval and release for detailed design.

If a detailed plant and piping model is to exist made for later design stages, the plot plans and elevations tin exist left as elementary, accurate specification drawings but, if no model is fabricated, more detail must be shown to supplement the outline dimensions and pictorial data.

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Piping organisation blueprint

Maurice Stewart , in Surface Production Operations, 2016

9.3.2 Plot plan

The 2nd step in planning a piping system is preparing the plot plan to show the arrangement of major equipment ( Figure ix.2). The plot plan includes the following:

Effigy 9.2. Preliminary onshore plot plan.

Equipment locations

Foundation locations

Excavation drawings

Paving plan

Menstruum diagram transposition

Construction model (if one is used)

The plot plan is fatigued to scale and should describe all


chief pipeways,


major structures,

housed electrical gear.

Prevailing summer and winter winds are also shown. Suggested minimum spacing guidelines for gas plants are shown in Figure nine.3. Suggested minimum spacing guidelines for product facilities in onshore oil and gas field locations are shown in Figure ix.4.

Effigy 9.3. General recommendations for spacing in gas plants.

Figure ix.4. Suggested minimum equipment spacing guidelines for production facilities in onshore oil and gas field locations

(Courtesy of Texas Railroad Commission).

The preliminary plot plan should be analyzed for equipment layout spacing and the potential drifting of heavy vapors into areas containing an ignition source. The designer should check to ensure that prevailing winds assistance rather than interfere with cooling. Vertical coolers should face into breezes to apply the wind for cooling. One should observe the surrounding objects, buildings, and trees in the area, if applicative.

The designer should also check the dispersion of emissions and calculate the total annual release to assure that emissions are within allowable limits. Emission points should exist located so as to provide adequate basis-level concentrations. Near plot plans are roughly sketched to establish relative locations. In the past, it was not uncommon to use newspaper cutouts and shift them until all requirements accept been met. Today, CAD is used.

The following factors should exist considered when planning the pipage organization:

Toxic emissions must not be released where prevailing winds can carry them into an operating area.

Liquid releases must be confined to appropriate vessels or drains. When a liquid relief valve opens, the liquid should exist routed back to a source tank, a sump tank, or disposal tank.

Safety release of heavier-than-air and toxic gases must be conducted to a prophylactic area for called-for. This requires a closed venting or flare system.

Lighter-than-air sweet gases may be released to the temper through a condom relief valve.

Heavier-than-air combustible gas safe release must exist located where prevailing winds will move the vapors abroad from sources of ignition if a continuously called-for flare is non maintained.

The vapors from atmosphere storage are generally heavier-than-air and will tend to menstruum along the ground. Experience indicates that these vapors catamenia to basis-level and spread similar water. Ignition sources must be a minimum of 150   ft. (l   m) from the betoken of release, thus allowing sufficient dispersion to avert ignition.

The location of electric generators is important to a piping layout because of their utility requirements. They should also exist equally close to the areas of maximum power requirements every bit practical to minimize losses and voltage drop at starting loads.

The designer should make every endeavor to keep the pipe arrangements elementary and keep the pipage brusque so as to minimize pressure drops and lower pumping costs. The designer should as well blueprint pipe so that the pipe arrangement is flexible, which reduces mechanical and thermal stresses.

To ameliorate appearance and simplify pipe support, piping installed within buildings is usually laid out parallel to the building steelwork. Piping located exterior buildings is ordinarily bundled

on pipe racks,

about course on sleepers,

in trenches, or

vertically confronting steelwork or big areas of process equipment.

When laying out the piping, the post-obit guidelines should be adhered to whenever possible:

Use standard pipe accessories whenever possible.

Practice not utilize miters unless absolutely essential.

Exercise not run piping under foundations. However, piping may exist run under grade beams.

When piping must penetrate physical walls and floors, points of penetrations should be established equally early on as possible and the person responsible should be informed and then as to avoid cutting existing reinforcing bars, electrical conduit, etc.

Lay piping, such as lines to outside storage or receiving facilities, should ever exist laid on pipe sleepers if at that place is no possibility of future roads or site development.

Avoid pocketing lines past arranging pipe so that lines drain back into equipment or into lines that tin can be drained.

Gas and vapor branch lines should be taken from the tops of headers where it is necessary to reduce the take chances of drawing off condensate or sediment that could potentially impairment rotating equipment.

Lines that are normally buried include lines bringing in water or gas. Where long cold winters freeze the soil, burial lines beneath the frost line may avoid the freezing of water and solutions, serving the expense of tracking long horizontal parts of the lines.

Avert burying steam lines that pocket, due to the difficulty of collecting condensate. Steam lines may exist run below-course in trenches provided with covers or, for short runs, in sleeves.

Include removable flanged spools to aid in maintenance peculiarly at pumps, turbines, or other equipment that will accept to exist removed for overhaul.

Vent all high points and drain all low points on lines. Carefully placed drains and valve vents let lines to be hands drained or pumped during shutdown periods. This is specially important in freezing climates and tin can reduce winterizing costs.

When all of the higher up requirements take been satisfied, the pattern of the piping layout can begin.

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Pipe supports option, anchors—guides

Geoff Barker IEng.,MEI. , in The Engineer'southward Guide to Plant Layout and Pipage Blueprint for the Oil and Gas Industries, 2018

17.1 Selection

The following graphics show pipage support shoes, guides, and restraints.

Image 1

Pick of pipe supports must take into consideration:


Total plot plan must be considered and established.


Where is the pipe located—rack free standing—at equipment, is information technology on a pipe rack?—shape of piping organisation—capability of support.


Carbon steel, stainless steel, etc.—what would be the required material to match the pipe, would liners exist required between the support and pipe if different materials.

Hot or cold line

Line temperature—hot or cryogenic—line expansion or shrinkage—line movement—line lift off—are bound supports required.

Insulation or bare pipe

Is hot or cold insulation to be used on the pipe—insulation materials to be used.

In the instance of a pipe rack you must consider:


Should they be sleepers or rack?

If a rack, then how loftier must each rack level be?

What are the line sizes to be carried on the rack?

What is the largest line size to come off and onto the rack?

Wind loads?

Earthquake zone?


Sizes and number of lines to be arrange on rack

Hereafter space allowance

Allowance for cable and instrument trays


Allowance for expansion of hot lines

Number of lines—sizes of lines

Flanges required on lines in rack—flange spacing's

Materials of structure

Materials required and method of fabrication of supports

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Detailed Applied science and Pattern for Natural Gas Processing Projects

Alireza Bahadori Ph.D. , in Natural Gas Processing, 2014

xv.4.eight Piping

Establish specific job Specifications for piping.

Prepare full general and Unit plot plans.

Prepare pipage layout and general arrangement drawings.

Plant mechanical and textile Specification for each section of pipe, including Specifications and data sheets for expansion joints, spring support, shock arrestors, and other special items.

Set up line numbering schedule.

Prepare and complete line list.

Review and bank check technically all packaged Units' inquiries and buy social club requisitions where piping is to be furnished by a Vendor as part of the packaged Unit with conformity with Contract requirements.

Cheque Vendor drawings and specifications for piping and piping components for compliance with Contract requirements.

Pattern all piping system including special pipe items (steam jacketing included) and prepare all necessary arrangement and detail drawings including tie-in points.

Where steam tracing is required, blueprint the steam tracing arrangement and provide details and Specifications of steam tracing and traps materials and details plus isometric drawing.

Design underground piping systems and prepare all necessary arrangement and item drawings.

Pattern utility pipage and prepare drawings showing arrangement of utilities distribution organization.

Prepare isometric drawings and spool drawings inclusive of complete pecker of materials suitable for fabrication of minor and big bore piping, except for hugger-mugger pressurized lines of below 2 inches and for skids to the extent they are store assembled.

Prepare P&ID for pressure testing giving required data for testing.

Prepare bill of material sheets for each isometric in the same cartoon.

Prepare stress analysis calculations and pipe back up details.

Finalize layout arrangement drawings.

Check and coordinate equipment nozzle orientation.

Set up found three-dimensional reckoner models for the new Units. For the Units that are duplicated, one estimator model may be prepared and in this case the interconnecting piping between the identical Units shall also be shown.

Perform checks for:

Drawings of equipment and terminal signal of package Units to which pipage is connected.

Layout drawings of foundations.

Layout and elevations on structural steel cartoon.

Aid in grooming of found technical and equipment manuals.

Supply all other services required to do pipage works

Supply all other services as may be required to complete the higher up.

Stress relief and branch reinforcement requirements shall be included in piping Specifications.

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Flow Diagrams and Instrumentation

Roy A. Parisher , Robert A. Rhea , in Piping Drafting and Design (Quaternary Edition), 2022

Uses of Menstruum Diagrams

The flow diagram is used by the piping group to develop and lay out the plot plan. When developing the plot programme, the arrangement of the mechanical equipment in the facility reflects, in function, the logical sequence of flow depicted on the catamenia diagram. All the same, many other factors such as code requirements, client standards and preferences, worker safety, and cost influence the positioning of equipment.

Once the plot plan is finalized, the piping designer routes the pipe betwixt the diverse pieces of mechanical equipment as indicated by the flow diagram using project specifications, standards, and accepted pattern practices. The flow diagram is commonly "yellowed out" as each line is completed and incorporated into the design.

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